Wednesday, 8 February 2012


Been on and off received some emails on promotions. Some will find the promotions with limited offers, so not attractive. 

So I concluded that to run promotions, ya, wanna do a promo, will be a big one instead. 

So rolling out 50% discount promotions!! 

February to end-March 2012 promotions: 

Package A (studio or outdoor): 

1. Maximum 1.5 hours shoot. 
2. One x 8 by 8 inch single image per page heirloom album. 
3. Six pieces of 8 by 12 prints. 
4. Four pieces of 5 by 7 prints. 
5. All images returned in high resolution. 
6. Maximum 5 people. Extra people at $20 each. 

Only at $795, usual price at $1590!! 

** Deposit of $200 required. 

Package B (studio or outdoor): 

1. Maximum 1.5 hours shoot. 
2. One x 8 by 8 inch single image per page heirloom album. 
3. All images returned in high resolution. 
4. Maximum 5 people. Extra people at $20 each. 

Only at $625, usual price at $1250!! 

** Deposit of $200 required. 

All enquiries please email to 

David Lim 97954615 
Studio: Blk 115A Commonwealth Drive #04-18 Tanglin Halt Industrial Estate S149596. 

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